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        Common faults and causes of winding machine

        Release time:2021-05-06

        Motor in the automatic winding machine is one of the most important power components, common asynchronous motor, servo motor, stepper motor, dc motor, etc., each plays a different role be short of one cannot, in daily use often encounter failure of the motor, this paper simply explain the motor fault and causes.

        The first is the lack of phase operation of the general fault phenomenon is: the motor can not start, even if no load can start, speed slowly rise, there is a buzz;

        Motor smoke heating, and accompanied by burning smell, the cause is the following possible: power supply loop fuse loop contact or mechanical damage, resulting in a phase fuse fuse, motor power supply loop three-phase fuse specifications are different, small capacity fuse burned.

        According to the power of the motor, it should be replaced with the fuse of the same specification, the switches in the power supply circuit of the motor (isolator switch, rubber cover switch, etc.) and the contacts in contact with poor contact (burn or loose).

        Repair and adjust the dynamic and static contacts, so that the contact is good, and the connection between the motor windings is falsely welded, resulting in poor contact. Carefully check the connection of the motor windings and weld them firmly.

        The second kind of fault phenomenon is the overload operation that the motor current exceeds the rated value;

        When the temperature rise of the motor exceeds the rated temperature rise, the general cause of the fault is:

        Under the heavy load, want to consider appropriate lightening or replace capacity suitable motor, power supply voltage is too high or too low, need to install three-phase power supply voltage compensation cabinet, motor long-term serious be affected with damp be affected with damp or corrosive gas corrosion, insulation resistance decline, should according to the specific situation, for repair or replacement of the same capacity, and specifications of the enclosed motor, transmission part fails,

        Causes the motor to overload and burns out the motor winding.

        The third common fault is winding short circuit, the main performance of the motor output torque drop, motor buzzing, and obvious heating, motor smoke until burned.

        At this time, the short-circuit current is particularly large, and the three-phase current increases.

        Damp environment or vibration and pollution into the motor caused.

        With the resistance method and short circuit detection device can be measured the corresponding data and short circuit point, are generally caused by damp environment or vibration and pollution into the motor.

        The corresponding data and short circuit point can be measured by means of resistance method and short circuit detector.

        Finally, the stator winding single-phase short circuit, the fault phenomenon is: the motor speed decreased significantly, the two-phase current rose sharply, the motor issued a strong buzz, the winding soon heating;

        Over time, part of the motor winding will be burned, general star will have two-thirds of winding burned, triangular meet will have a third winding burned, cause of the failure is the winding insulation damage, a three-phase asynchronous motor with load fuse fusing and contactor a pair of contactor disconnect the one-way operation caused.

        The user should pay more attention to the abnormal noise, temperature rise and smell of the equipment in the normal use process, and the fault should be promptly shut down and repaired to minimize the damage.

        Youhui machinery independent research and development and production of the winding machine, fully protect the use of users, under any circumstances to provide life-long perfect follow-up after-sales service!

        Service hotline: 4008-333-718

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